Glastonbury Housesmith LLC recently received the prestigious Net Zero American Builder Award! The home we submitted for the Cross Border Home Builder Challenge netted a HERS score of -23, meaning it actually generates more power than it consumes!

In order to build a home with such an emphasis on energy efficiency, a builder has to have a customer who “wants to go there.” We were fortunate to have such customers in Carl Benker and Elizabeth Wegner, who designed their home after two years of independent research on high performance buildings.

In a news release issued by Energize Connecticut, Carl Benker, an engineer, stated: “It was important to us to build a home that was both durable and energy-efficient. By doing so, we will not only save money in the long run, but also achieve a lower overall environmental impact. We followed the most current building science construction principles, and the house will use no fossil fuels anywhere. The builder, Glastonbury Housesmith, made the house a huge success in our eyes.”

As owner of Glastonbury Housesmith, I believe that this award makes us fine-tune the practices and procedures that make a house more efficient. Builders wouldn’t be trying new things, or putting homes together differently if there weren’t awards like this.

Click here to read the entire write-up in Green Builder Media.